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Multiple stands

This is an example of running multiple stands on one PC.

The example implements the launch of two stands and three CouchDB Instances.

Each stand will record reports on the conducted testing in the CouchDB Instance assigned to it in the runstore and statestore databases. The third CouchDB Instance is needed to store reports in the report database on each conducted test of each stand.

You can learn more about storing reports here Couchdb instance.


  • Create 2 separate projects. Add a simple test to the tests folder of each project.
# pytest.ini
addopts = --hardpy-pt

import pytest

def test_one():
    assert True
* Create another project for the CouchDB instance to store the report history.


Create a separate CouchDB Instance for each project, and use a different port for each.

To create a CouchDB Instance use CouchDH instance instruction.

  • Create a couchdb.ini file in each project.
  • Launch the next script from the folder with the couchdb.ini file:

docker run 6--name tests_hardpy -p 5984:5984 -e COUCHDB_USER=dev -e COUCHDB_PASSWORD=dev -v ./couchdb.ini:/opt/couchdb/etc/local.ini  couchdb:3.3

  • --name tests_hardpy - container name
  • -p 5984:5984 - database port (use a different port for each)
  • -e COUCHDB_USER=dev - user name
  • -e COUCHDB_PASSWORD=dev - password

For example, run a second database on port 5985:

docker run --name tests_hardpy_2 -p 5985:5984 -e COUCHDB_USER=dev -e COUCHDB_PASSWORD=dev -v ./couchdb.ini:/opt/couchdb/etc/local.ini  couchdb:3.3

For example, run a third database on port 5986:

docker run --name tests_hardpy_3 -p 5986:5984 -e COUCHDB_USER=dev -e COUCHDB_PASSWORD=dev -v ./couchdb.ini:/opt/couchdb/etc/local.ini  couchdb:3.3

Create in the folder of each stand file. Contains settings and fixtures for all tests:

  • The function of generating a report and recording it in the database save_report_to_couchdb;
  • The list of actions that will be performed after testing is filled in function fill_actions_after_test;

To store reports from all booths in the third CouchDB Instance, specify the port numbers of this CouchDB Instance in the file in the folder of each stand.

import pytest

from hardpy import (

def save_report_to_couchdb():
    report = get_current_report()
    if report:
        loader = CouchdbLoader(CouchdbConfig(port=5986))

@pytest.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True)
def fill_actions_after_test(post_run_functions: list):
  • 5986 - port of the database with reports

operator panels

In projects with tests, configure a connection to its own database for storing state and to its own operator panel. To launch project with connection to database use script:

hardpy-panel -dbp 5984 -wp 8000 <dir_name>/tests
  • 5984 - port of database
  • 8000 - operator-panel port (frontend)
  • <dir_name>/tests - the path to the folder with the tests

For another project, use different ports:

hardpy-panel -dbp 5985 -wp 8001 tests

dialog box

If you want to use the dialog box in multiple stands on the same computer, you need to pass a socket port to hardpy-panel. By default, hardpy uses port 6525 to pass data to the running pytest. But if you run multiple stands, the 6525 socket port will be busy.


hardpy-panel -dbp 5985 -wp 8001 -sp 6526 tests