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Minute parity

This is an example of using pytest-hardpy functions, storing the result to CouchDB and writing a simple driver. The code for this example can be seen inside the hardpy package Minute parity.

how to start

  1. Launch CouchDH instance.
  2. Create a directory <dir_name> with the files described below.
  3. Launch hardpy-panel <dir_name>.


It is a file of built-in configuration options that determine how live logging works and enable pytest-hardpy plugin for launching via pytest.

log_cli = true
log_cli_level = INFO
log_cli_format = %(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s
log_cli_date_format = %H:%M:%S
addopts = --hardpy-pt

Contains settings and fixtures for all tests:

  • The function of generating a report and recording it in the database finish_executing;
  • The example of devices used as a fixture in driver_example;
  • The list of actions that will be performed after testing is filled in function fill_actions_after_test;
  • The module log is created in fixture module_log;
import logging
import pytest

from hardpy import (
from driver_example import DriverExample

def module_log(request):
    log_name = request.module.__name__
    yield logging.getLogger(log_name)

def driver_example():
    example = DriverExample()
    yield example

def finish_executing():
    report = get_current_report()
    if report:
        loader = CouchdbLoader(CouchdbConfig())

@pytest.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True)
def fill_actions_after_test(post_run_functions: list):

An example of writing a simple device driver. The driver returns the current minute in the OS.

import datetime
from logging import getLogger

class DriverExample(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._log = getLogger(__name__)

    def current_minute(self):
        current_time =
        return int(current_time.strftime("%M"))

    def random_method(self):
        self._log.warning("Random method")

Contains tests related to preparation for the testing process:

  • The name of the test module for the web interface is set to pytest.mark.module_name;
  • The name of the test cases for the web interface is set to pytest.mark.case_name;
  • The device under test (DUT) info is stored in the database in test_dut_info;
  • The test stand info is store in the database in test_stand_info;
import logging
from uuid import uuid4

import pytest
import hardpy

pytestmark = pytest.mark.module_name("Testing preparation")

@pytest.mark.case_name("DUT info")
def test_dut_info(module_log: logging.Logger):
    serial_number = str(uuid4())[:6]"DUT serial number {serial_number}")
    info = {"batch": "test_batch", "board_rev": "rev_1"}
    assert True

@pytest.mark.case_name("Test stand info")
def test_stand_info(module_log: logging.Logger):
    test_stand_name = "Stand 1""Stand name: {test_stand_name}")
    info = {"name": "Test stand 1"}
    assert True

Contains basic tests:

  • The name of the test module for the web interface is set to pytest.mark.module_name;
  • The name of the test cases for the web interface is set to pytest.mark.case_name;
  • An example of using a driver to get the current minute in test_minute_parity;
  • An example of saving a test case artifact to the database using set_case_artifact;
import pytest
import hardpy

from driver_example import DriverExample

pytestmark = pytest.mark.module_name("Main tests")

@pytest.mark.case_name("Minute check")
def test_minute_parity(driver_example: DriverExample):
    minute = driver_example.current_minute
    hardpy.set_message(f"Current minute {minute}")
    result = minute % 2
    data = {"minute": minute}
    assert (result == 0), f"The test failed because {minute} is odd! Try again!"

Contains the final tests of the testing process:

  • The name of the test module for the web interface is set to pytest.mark.module_name;
  • The name of the test cases for the web interface is set to pytest.mark.case_name;
  • An example of setting and updating a message for a web interface using set_message;
  • test_3 depends on test_minute_parity from test_2. Dependency is set to pytest.mark.dependency. If test_2::test_minute_parity fails, test_3 will be skipped
from time import sleep

import pytest
import hardpy

pytestmark = [
    pytest.mark.module_name("End of testing"),

@pytest.mark.case_name("Final case")
def test_one():
    for i in range(5, 0, -1):
        hardpy.set_message(f"Time left until testing ends {i} s", "updated_status")
    hardpy.set_message("Testing ended", "updated_status")
    assert True