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Dialog Box

This is an example of testing dialog boxes using the HardPy library. The code for this example can be seen inside the hardpy package Dialog Box.

how to start

  1. Launch CouchDH instance.
  2. Create a directory <dir_name> with the files described below.
  3. Launch hardpy-panel <dir_name>.


It is a file of built-in configuration options that determine how live logging works and enable pytest-hardpy plugin for launching via pytest.

log_cli = true
log_cli_level = INFO
log_cli_format = %(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s
log_cli_date_format = %H:%M:%S
addopts = --hardpy-pt

Contains some examples of valid tests for dialog boxes. To test images, create an assets folder in the tests folder with the image test.png.

import pytest
import hardpy

@pytest.mark.case_name("Base dialog box")
def test_base_dialog_box():
    dbx = hardpy.DialogBox(
        title_bar="Operator check",
        dialog_text="Press the Confirm button",
    response = hardpy.run_dialog_box(dbx)
    assert response

@pytest.mark.case_name("Text input")
def test_text_input():
    dbx = hardpy.DialogBox(
        dialog_text="Type 'ok' and press the Confirm button",
        title_bar="Example of text input",
    response = hardpy.run_dialog_box(dbx)
    hardpy.set_message(f"Entered text {response}")
    assert response == "ok", "The entered text is not correct"

@pytest.mark.case_name("Numeric input")
def test_num_input():
    test_num = 123
    dbx = hardpy.DialogBox(
        dialog_text=f"Enter the number {test_num} and press the Confirm button",
        title_bar="Example of entering a number",
    response = int(hardpy.run_dialog_box(dbx))
    hardpy.set_message(f"Entered number {response}")
    assert response == test_num, "The entered number is not correct"

@pytest.mark.case_name("Test dialog box with radiobutton")
def test_radiobutton():
    dbx = hardpy.DialogBox(
        dialog_text='Select item "one" out of several and click Confirm.',
        title_bar="Radiobutton example",
        widget=hardpy.RadiobuttonWidget(fields=["one", "two", "three"]),
    response = run_dialog_box(dbx)
    hardpy.set_message(f"Selected item {response}")
    assert response == "one", "The answer is not correct"

@pytest.mark.case_name("Test dialog box with checkbox")
def test_checkbox():
    dbx = hardpy.DialogBox(
        dialog_text='Select items "one" and "two" and click the Confirm button',
        title_bar="Checkbox example",
        widget=hardpy.CheckboxWidget(fields=["one", "two", "three"]),
    response = hardpy.run_dialog_box(dbx)
    hardpy.set_message(f"Selected item {response}")
    correct_answer = {"one", "two"}
    assert set(response) == correct_answer, "The answer is not correct"

def test_upload_image():
    dbx = hardpy.DialogBox(
        dialog_text="Test image",
    response = hardpy.run_dialog_box(dbx)
    assert response

def test_multiple_steps():
    steps = [
        hardpy.StepWidget("Step 1", text="Content for step", widget=None),
        hardpy.StepWidget("Step 2", text="Content for step 2", widget=hardpy.ImageWidget(address="assets/test.png")),
        hardpy.StepWidget("Step 3", text=None, widget=hardpy.ImageWidget(address="assets/test.png")),
    dbx = hardpy.DialogBox(
        dialog_text="Follow the steps and click Confirm",
    response = hardpy.run_dialog_box(dbx)
    assert response