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HardPy panel

The hardpy panel or operator panel is a web interface that displays and controls the testing process in HardPy.


HardPy panel allows you to:

  • Start and stop testing;
  • Interact with dialog box during testing;
  • Browse:
    • Test run name.
    • Test run status.
    • Test module name.
    • Duration of test modules execution.
    • Test module status.
    • Test case name.
    • Test case message.
    • Test case status.
  • Browse current statestore state in debug mode.


You can launch hardpy panel by using the command hardpy-panel [...], where [...] is a tests directory. After this open page http://localhost:8000/ in the browser.

When the operator panel is running, you can run tests through the web interface or through the pytest launcher (in a terminal or from another application).

Dialog box

For user interaction with the test, it is possible to use dialog boxes. An example of usage can be seen in the example dialog box. Currently, there are some types of dialog boxes.

basic dialog box

Contains an instruction or question and a confirm button for confirmation.


text input field

Contains an instruction or question, a text input field, and a confirm button for confirmation. The text is transmitted in UTF-8 encoding.


number input field

Contains an instruction or question, a number input field, and a confirm button for confirmation.

  • Allows float numbers with a dot separator.
  • Allows negative numbers.
  • Allows numbers to be entered using E notation with e, e.g. 2e3.
  • The entered numbers will be converted to float.



Contains radiobutton widget.

  • The user selects one option from several possible ones.
  • Returns the contents of the selected item as a string.



Contains checkbox widget.

  • The user selects several options from several possible ones.
  • Returns a list with the contents of the selected items.



Contains an instruction or question with image and a confirm button for confirmation.

  • Allows change width through width parameter.
  • Allows next image types: gif, jpeg, pjpeg, png, svg+xml, tiff,, vnd.wap.wbmp, webp.


multiple steps

Contains an instruction with multiple steps and confirm button for confirmation. Allows steps with text and image.




warning window

If the user clicks confirm without entering anything, a warning window will be displayed.


error notification

If the user closes the dialog box (using the cross in the upper right corner), the tests will be stopped, an error message will be displayed.



The operator panel has some options. To view all options run hardpy-panel -h.


Statestore and runstore databases

The CouchDB instance user name for the statestore and runstore databases. The default is dev.

-dbu DB_USER, --db_user DB_USER


The CouchDB instance password for the statestore and runstore databases. The default is dev.

-dbpw DB_PSWD, --db_pswd DB_PSWD


The CouchDB instance port number for the statestore and runstore databases. The default is 5984.

-dbp DB_PORT, --db_port DB_PORT


The CouchDB instance hostname for the statestore and runstore databases. The default is localhost.

-dbh DB_HOST, --db_host DB_HOST


The web interface hostname. The default is localhost.

-wh WEB_HOST, --web_host WEB_HOST


The web interface port number. The default is 8000.

-wp WEB_PORT, --web_port WEB_PORT


Internal socket port for passing backend data (such as a dialog box) to running pytest tests. The default is 6525.

-sp SCK_PORT, --sck_port SCK_PORT


Internal socket address for passing backend data (such as a dialog box) to running pytest tests. The default is localhost.

-sa SCK_ADDR, --sck_addr SCK_ADDR